By the well-known videographer Marc Neys, aka "Swoon."
1 talented videographer + 1 exceptional poet = inspired Art. Marc and Matt make a great team.
Vimeo just keeps glitching for me. It is good to see you back.
Great stuff, Sally. Happy to see you!
Good Dennison poem. Enjoyed the video.
On behalf of the artists, thanks to all who watched and commented.
Feel free to share.
Love the noir feel--Matt's poem, voice, the music and the scenes.
This one's great, too! Surprisingly well-shot -- nothing lazy about it.
Thanks for posting this, Sally. Your reputation just grows & grows in cred ...
Such praise, Crabby.
You obviously recognize and respect the complexity of starting a Forum thread and skill required in copying and pasting a link.
Seriously, all credit goes to the artists. I had nothing to do with it, just like sharing great works.