Forum / Lucinda Kempe's Editor's Eye

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    Carol Reid
    Apr 25, 03:23pm

    Thank you Lucinda!
    Congrats to

    Steven Miller
    Ann Bogle
    Katrina Trepsa ( not Kepsa, so sorry for the typo!)
    Samuel Derrick Rosen
    Kevin Army

    whose work is featured in this installment of Editor's Eye.

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    Gary Hardaway
    Apr 25, 03:45pm

    Good job, Lucinda, and congratulations to the authors.

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    Ann Bogle
    Apr 25, 03:46pm

    Cool! This is a good read through and through. I like to discover Lucinda's take on these pieces, mine included!

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    Nonnie Augustine
    Apr 25, 05:16pm

    Enjoyed this, Lucinda. Thank you!

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    Sam Rasnake
    Apr 25, 11:38pm

    Enjoying these pieces. Good choices.

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    Lucinda Kempe
    Apr 26, 08:42pm

    Thank you, Fictionauti and Carol and Jurgen. It was really fun and forced me to look at what I was reading differently.

    So much good stuff here.


  • Samuel Derrick Rosen
    Apr 28, 12:05am

    I am constantly surprised when someone feels a poem of mine is worthy of being singled out.

    Not that it happens often, hehe.

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    Lucinda Kempe
    Apr 28, 11:19pm

    Loved your poem, Sam!

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