
Title Replies Author Latest Post
A Welcome and Primer STICKY 87 Joani Reese 3 years ago by Kitty Boots
suggestion: 'work in progress' button 11 Dorothee Lang almost 15 years ago by Dorothee Lang
Quick guide to workshop + challenge + theme groups 6 Dorothee Lang almost 15 years ago by H-M Brown
fourpaperletters 4 laura isaacman almost 15 years ago by laura isaacman
Suggestion for groups 10 Jessa Marsh almost 15 years ago by Susan Gibb
Workshopping 4 Susan Gibb almost 15 years ago by Finnegan Flawnt
Nanoism's Free Contest 3 Ben White almost 15 years ago by Ben White
removing discussion posts from a group? 5 Kathy Fish almost 15 years ago by Kathy Fish
DECEMBER Short Story Challenge! 3 Susan Gibb almost 15 years ago by Susan Gibb
SHORT STORY CHALLENGE Deadline! 3 Susan Gibb almost 15 years ago by Susan Gibb
Help with loading stories 5 Shawn Faulkner almost 15 years ago by Gay Degani
CElla's Round Trip? 2 Erik almost 15 years ago by Gay Degani
Flagging previously unpublished stories? 26 Tony Hightower almost 15 years ago by H-M Brown
Quick, fun poll about poetry versus prose 1 Robert Peake almost 15 years ago by Robert Peake
Why can't I 4 Yvette Wielhouwer Managan almost 15 years ago by Yvette Wielhouwer Managan
How do you keep up? 6 Susan Gibb almost 15 years ago by Chris Kubica
Posting Multiple Stories 32 M.H. almost 15 years ago by Jürgen Fauth
Comments not showing up on main page 3 Andrew Roe almost 15 years ago by Jürgen Fauth
privacy? 8 shar almost 15 years ago by Jürgen Fauth
Cuts off bottom of story 5 Mark Pritchard almost 15 years ago by Shelley Ettinger
getting a kick out of fictionaut 12 Finnegan Flawnt almost 15 years ago by Jürgen Fauth
Thoughts and Concerns about Fictionaut from a Software Engineer (and Writer) 2 Matt Kang almost 15 years ago by Jürgen Fauth
Formatting Posts 15 Wilmot B. Irvin almost 15 years ago by Mark Pritchard
Newbie question 13 Teresa Houle almost 15 years ago by Shelley Ettinger
Simultaneous Submissions 3 H-M Brown almost 15 years ago by H-M Brown
Narrow House preorders 1 Justin Sirois almost 15 years ago by Justin Sirois
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