Forum / links in stories?

  • Me_011.thumb
    Jennifer L. Lopez
    Dec 27, 12:39am

    Instead of posting one of my stories, I just posted a note saying that it had been published online and included the web address. Can we put links in our stories? It didn't appear as a live hyperlink when I just pasted it into the story, and it didn't work when I tried using the html hyperlink either. I didn't see anything on the text editor to insert a link either, though there were a couple icons I was unsure of.

    Alternately, instead of being able to put links in the stories themselves, it would be nice to be able to post a few links on our author profiles for short stories, poems, etc. that are published online instead of just books.

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    Susan Gibb
    Dec 27, 12:59pm

    Jennifer, what I've had to do in posting a direct link to a hypertext story is put the active link in the author's notes.

  • Me_011.thumb
    Jennifer L. Lopez
    Dec 27, 11:28pm

    thanks. :-)

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