Forum / The Slush Pile Is Dead

  • Michaeljsolender-headshot1.thumb
    Michael J. Solender
    Jan 15, 08:12am
  • 000_0969.thumb
    H-M Brown
    Jan 15, 01:13pm

    So I guess this means we'll never fulfill our dreams of becoming published writers eh?

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Jan 16, 10:13am

    Michael, Thanks for sending this miserably informative article. But here's what I say: a teensy number of writers manage to break through and get themselves a publisher. So, why not let it be you!

  • Flawntnewsmall.thumb
    Finnegan Flawnt
    Jan 16, 12:23pm

    i liked the cynical "We take the democratic ideal represented by the slush pile seriously". the solution is so easy, it's publishing 2.0 - let the readers out there do the sifting through the slush pile. gosh, publishers don't have a clue (sorry, my professional horse).

    call me harold, but fiction is blooooooming out there. on a given day, i read 10 pieces easily better than stephenie meyer (dont get me started).

    thanks for sharing - great read anyways.

  • Author_wide.thumb
    Jürgen Fauth
    Jan 16, 12:38pm

    Here's another morbid piece, this time about the "Death of Fiction," by VQR editor Ted Genoways. Don't miss responses by Travis Kurowski, Matt Bell, and Gina Frangello in the comments section.

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Jan 16, 01:20pm

    Literature is dead. Long live literature.

  • Michaeljsolender-headshot1.thumb
    Michael J. Solender
    Jan 16, 02:03pm

    This all speaks to the importance of independent press in my mind. Not everyone out there writing is looking to "monetize" - I think the Slush pile article and the observations made there are almost exclusively directed towards writers of novels and full length NF. It really doesn't address SS writers, poets and smaller independent writers who may do novelettes. Independent press has a place, in my mind a large place in the lit world - consider however the source of this piece - The Wall Street Journal, a fine rag to be sure - but is it no wonder then that what is implicit and explicit in the piece is all about $$$$$.

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Jan 17, 09:16am

    Michael, I couldn't agree more. Just the very name: "Wall Street Journal" speaks volumes. But there is still a viable option for the novel, and that is the small press publisher. Many small presses are seeking novels and story collections. From one who recently published a story collection with a small press, I will say this: expect to do most of your own publicity and marketing. This can be daunting and time consuming. But it's better than no book at all!

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