I don't want you comin by no courthouse
talkin' to no judge
I don't want you comin round my work
fallin' on my floor
Just stay at home woman, and do your job
wash those dishes, mama, its what I pays you for
think you be like me, woman, you know you're not that good
its why I goes out an tear up the neighborhood
If I goes out an gets drunk, even as early as noon
don' want you comin' round the barroom,
just get back home woman, take care a the kids
cause if you don't do it, dirty mama, you don't think I would
You got one use woman, only one thing for me for sure
after you get washed up from scrubbin that dirty floor
yeah I'm a dirty mother for ya, and though I roam
I'll be home soon, drip my honey in your honeycomb
So, hurry back home, mama, an be what I want you to be
yeah, hurry back home, mama, an be what I want you to be
just be the pigmeat woman of mine that's all, ya see
cause, yaz, I'm a dirty mother for ya, you just the queen bee
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A Freedom Song for Fathers on Mother's Day (I know its a day early, here in the states, but its global, man)
Melissa - you know this one's for you - and I mean that in a good way.
Nice shot (w/ the music, of course, a duet).
You're a dirty mother. ;-)
!!! -- "Just be the pigmeat woman of mine..."
"Cause, yaz,..."
That "yaz" looks so good there. I can hear it so clearly. I wanna hear you say it out loud.
You play the guitar right Walt? Get to recording...
Love this! I do! I especially love this part: "And though I roam
I'll be home soon, drip my honey in your honeycomb."
Like Missy, I like the "pigmeat woman of mine..." Great word pairing.
alas, Mel, I finally get a good Martin, got stolen last year, no funds to replace, its alright, I got music in every bone, Minnie in my feet, Fuller in my fingers, Sykes in my skull.
Mich - just rippin' off the greats, its what we writer/musicians do . . .
The title alone is worth the price of admission, Walter. Great take on the form.
I sympathize with you Walter - I had a Martin D-35 and a Les Paul stolen once. Many months later, they were recovered. Both had been hidden - along with a drum kit and sound board - in a graveyard for weeks. The guitars were located, finally, in a pawn shop. In the meantime, though, I'd aged a great deal.
Sing it, Walter! I do love the blues. But don't start me talkin, I'll tell everything I know...
Walt--this has got that swing brother! It's fun and fantastic. And you stay right on course with the form.Cool.
Daryll, thanks, Blues Brother, I was in a music mood today, and being a bit of misogynist, to say the least.
love the tune, love this piece, Walter, you ol' romantic you.
What a mother's day romp! You sure know how to serenade a girl... when's the recording out? (star)
If this isn't true love and romance, deeply felt abiding love, I just dunno what is.
I hear blues, bayou, blind men singing.
Thanks all for the plaudits, though I detect a bit of sarcasm in some of the replys . . . so I need to post this disclaimer:
The accompanying blues song/poem/response does not necessarily express the views of the otherwide romantic author. But it might be the hint of a trend . . .
Loved it. Being a musician myself, I am drawn to blues talk. Blind Lemon blues