
Title Replies Author Latest Post
A Welcome and Primer STICKY 87 Joani Reese 3 years ago by Kitty Boots
Design & Photography 5 Lost In Thought 10 years ago by Lost In Thought
Here's an interesting thread... 13 Matt Dennison 10 years ago by whatwouldbukowskido
Help with writing erotica 4 Dolemite 10 years ago by whatwouldbukowskido
On reading The Love Song of J. Alfred... 53 mxi wodd 10 years ago by whatwouldbukowskido
Early review of "Brown Paper Bag" 4 Sally Houtman 10 years ago by whatwouldbukowskido
Blue Fifth Review... August 2014 Issue 4 Sam Rasnake 10 years ago by James Lloyd Davis
Squeeze Me Lemon Till The Juice Runs Down My Leg, Luv, And Then, When You're Done, Would You Please Fetch Me A Cuppa, With Just A Spot Of Cream? 12 Chris Okum 10 years ago by Oliver Hunt
Norman Mailer 4 whatwouldbukowskido 10 years ago by whatwouldbukowskido
1000 - 7500 words 11 whatwouldbukowskido 10 years ago by Sally Houtman
Never Trust The Artist 5 J.A. Pak 10 years ago by J.A. Pak
Book review up at Revolution John 1 Henry Standing Bear 10 years ago by Henry Standing Bear
Just Because Lucien Freud Wants To Impregnate You Doesn't Mean He's Going To Give You His Phone Number Or Address 6 Chris Okum 10 years ago by Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III
The "Share" feature 4 Charlotte Hamrick 10 years ago by Charlotte Hamrick
New work from Sloan Thomas at Revolution John 1 Henry Standing Bear 10 years ago by Henry Standing Bear
Ending the story 1 Carol Reid 10 years ago by Carol Reid
A Prison Memoir Excerpt at Revolution John 1 Henry Standing Bear 10 years ago by Henry Standing Bear
My First Novel 17 Henry Standing Bear 10 years ago by Henry Standing Bear
Workspace: Author James Claffey 1 Henry Standing Bear 10 years ago by Henry Standing Bear
Where Alligators Sleep 9 Darryl Price 10 years ago by Henry Standing Bear
Editor's Eye with Matt Potter 3 Michelle Elvy 10 years ago by Darryl Price
James Lloyd Davis at CPR 6 Barry Basden 10 years ago by Sam Rasnake
Thrice Fiction Submissions Call 1 RW Spryszak 10 years ago by RW Spryszak
Damn good writing on these pages! 2 Nonnie Augustine 10 years ago by Barry Basden
New from Blue Fifth Review... 1 Sam Rasnake 10 years ago by Sam Rasnake
Luciano Pavarotti and...James Brown?! 5 whatwouldbukowskido 10 years ago by Sally Houtman
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