Forum / An Essay from Barrett Warner at REVOLUTION JOHN

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    Henry Standing Bear
    Sep 01, 07:32pm

    Enjoy this fine essay from Barrett Warner at Revolution John today.

    Here's a little from Barrett's essay:

    "A spirited note from Chelsey Clammer in the first part of the week included a link to her review of Dinah Lenney’s collection of essays, The Object Parade. It had appeared in The Nervous Breakdown a few days after California Chrome’s less than impressive Derby. I was sour about racing in the run-up. A few months earlier one of my wife’s drug dealers had mentioned California Chrome but I quickly shut him down. I shouldn’t have done that. He was only making conversation like we always did."

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    David Ackley
    Sep 01, 08:56pm

    Barrett Warner flat-out writes! And knows some stuff too. More that worth the trip, thanks Sheldon.

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