Forum / This is, like, *literally* the best article I've ever read

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Aug 27, 11:45pm
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    Rachna K.
    Aug 28, 12:01am

    Great read, Par. I am going to "literally" avoid using the L word.

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Aug 28, 12:18am
  • Letitia_coyne.thumb
    Letitia Coyne
    Aug 28, 06:10am

    Oh, I love CM Punk.

    Literally is just a fad word, I think; it's meaning is irrelevant. Like rage in the 80s, or grouse, or hip, or bogus, or any other slang word used without regard to its actual meaning.

    I love the created words and phrases: Elephantitus, Old Timer's disease, foul swoops, escape goats, intensive purposes.

    A news reader once told me Patagonia was a land of climactic extremes; she made me want to go there. It would be my penultimate holiday destination. :) It's allot better then it use to be, supposably.

    Irregardless is now in the dictionary.

    If you want to see the evolution of language in action, read at Wattpad where young writers are writing for a predominantly young adult readership. Malapropisms abound.

    Language. Whaddya gonna do?


  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Aug 28, 06:39am

    It's cool when people start conversating in the Forum, innit?

  • Letitia_coyne.thumb
    Letitia Coyne
    Aug 28, 07:17am


  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Aug 28, 07:44am

    I had an argument with a co-worker years ago over the whole 'escape goat' thing. It got ugly.

    Here's another that drives me mental - 'uncomfortableness'

    It's DISCOMFORT!!!!

    I'm researching flights to Patagonia as we speak.

  • Letitia_coyne.thumb
    Letitia Coyne
    Aug 28, 07:59am


    How can we be in agreeance?

    Was agreement not suggestive enough of agreeability?


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    Rachna K.
    Aug 28, 01:48pm

    Ooh I love this discussion. My son comes up with new, annoying words everyday. He mixes Hindi with English and ruins both.

    I had a coworker who used to say "apparently" at the beginning of every sentence.

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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Aug 28, 03:03pm

    How about those who begin each sentence with "So". It makes me feel like I missed a portion of the story.

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    Rachna K.
    Aug 28, 03:16pm

    Yes, I have come across the ones with "So" and some of them even pause after that, while I shamelessly stare at them as if saying, give me anything, just anything, so that I know where you are going with this..or rather, where have you been....

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Aug 28, 08:55pm

    This is, like, literally the best Forum thread ever.

    And if it got Rachna to participate, then...

    I am so happy,

    I am literally beside myself.


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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Aug 28, 09:22pm

    (Notice no kind words for Big Mouth.) ;)

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    Rachna K.
    Aug 28, 10:22pm

    Par, aww that is so sweet!! Your smile and Charlotte's wink literally makes my day!!

  • Letitia_coyne.thumb
    Letitia Coyne
    Aug 28, 10:27pm

    Ha! Charlotte - I was just tagged in your fb post that began: So, I want some luck. :))

    I am guilty of using 'so' deliberately, too. I like it.

    I heartily approve the practice of blending languages, too. English is such a mongrel to begin with. Every wave through GB introduced a few new words.

    Anything done to language with intent is good. Changes made through ignorance are bad. Two legs, four legs, you know the way it goes.


  • Photo.thumb
    Rachna K.
    Aug 28, 10:33pm

    Oh I like "so" too. I use it way too much in my writing. It's only the "so" which does not come with prior events. Then I am a deer with headlights.
    And for the record, the way Letitia flourishingly signs, also makes my day :)

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