Things Left Unsaid

by Kim Conklin, Dec 22, 2010 | 32 comments

Love Not the X

by Catherine Davis, Dec 15, 2010 | 13 comments

and dark blood flowed out of our youth

by Jerry Ratch, Dec 17, 2010 | 0 comments

black crescent curved under

by Jerry Ratch, Dec 15, 2010 | 3 comments

Call Name Mary Magdalene

by Matt DeVirgiliis, Aug 28, 2010 | 6 comments

  1. Months ago…
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  3. joined.
  4. sent Over Fifty to the group.
  5. sent Water Test to the group.
  6. sent TPP or... to the group.
  7. sent [Noon. A, b, C & D.] to the group.
  8. sent Thirty-Two to the group.
  9. sent Grammaria to the group.
  10. sent Damned Writers to the group.