Discussion → hey, what do editors say?

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    Dec 02, 09:55am

    there are 250 stories or so in this experimental group right now. i wonder how many editors are actually looking at them. i've added two ("Moondog" and "Falling into Hugeness") to the pile, each of them quite popular with the crowd. i put them here because i could see who might want them. they're not bad, just different. too different for my scarce knowledge of the market.

    so, editeurs et editeuses, what do you say to this group? like it? love it? loathe it? leave it? loiter away in it?

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    Mark Reep
    Jan 06, 06:03pm

    Judging from lack of response I'm guessing
    it's an underused resource. I stop by every now and then; I've published work from here in RR, expect that'll happen again.

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    Meg Pokrass
    Jan 06, 07:01pm

    it is a complete mix.

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    Meg Pokrass
    Jan 06, 07:05pm

    i also do not think that writers let us know when pieces are taken from here. I don't blame them, and it's not my intention, just saying. Many of these may be published.

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    Jason Lee Norman
    Jan 09, 07:22pm

    When I was just starting up Wufniks again after a long hiatus I came across this group. I requested 4 or 5, or maybe even 6 stories. Some people told me that their stories were reserved for another magazine, others had been accepted elsewhere, and the others I was fortunate enough to get to use in Wufniks. It still took awhile for the writers to add on their profile that the story had been accepted and where to read it elsewhere online.

    I am lucky enough to not have to commission stories at this point as interest has been gaining in Wufniks since late last year.

    As an editor I can say that this group has been fantastic in getting things started again. My only wish is that people update their story profiles to give some support to the magazines that took their story so that others may try and submit something of their own in the future.

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