Scott Garson found my story "Inaccrochable" after I filed it in this group, Original, Unpublished Flash (yep, that means available), and it was (available) and published it at Wigleaf Oct. 23, 2010:
Congrats! I love Wigleaf. They are great.
i love wigleaf, too. it's an unrequited love, agreed, but those are the best at times. i applaud scott's taste because "inaccroachable" is wonderful.
This group is an experiment. I would like to keep this site public, but I will insist that each member only contribute one story a week here, so it doesn't get bombarded. If you are an editor and are interested in a piece of original unpublished work from this group - please contact the writer directly.
This is a public group.
Anyone can see it and join.