
Title Replies Author Latest Post
A Welcome and Primer STICKY 87 Joani Reese 3 years ago by Kitty Boots
Protagonistus Agonistes, or ... when is your main character utterly irredeemable? 31 James Lloyd Davis over 13 years ago by Susan Tepper
NY State Summer Writers Institute 2011 3 Pamela J. Parker over 13 years ago by Pamela J. Parker
Review by f'naut Paul Steven Stone 2 Susan Tepper over 13 years ago by Estelle Bruno
Poets Read for Haiti 2 Judith A. Lawrence over 13 years ago by Susan Tepper
Web Comic Fans 1 Pamela J. Parker over 13 years ago by Pamela J. Parker
Rosemetal Press Chapbook Award 9 kate hill cantrill over 13 years ago by kate hill cantrill
Meg Tuite and Jason Lee Norman: new stories now at 'Pure Slush' 1 Matt Potter over 13 years ago by Matt Potter
Advance PDF of "Tenderoni" available for review 3 Kathy Fish over 13 years ago by Kathy Fish
An inspiration to us all.., 11 Matt Dennison over 13 years ago by Phoebe Wilcox
Thinking of our Australian friends... 2 Matt Dennison over 13 years ago by Phoebe Wilcox
Publicity for our Novel on New Millennium Writings 5 Susan Tepper over 13 years ago by Phoebe Wilcox
Anyone in NYC? 4 W.F. Lantry over 13 years ago by Phoebe Wilcox
Midwestern writers/stories needed! 5 Robert James Russell over 13 years ago by Lacey N. Dunham
New - at Blue Five Notebook... 10 Sam Rasnake over 13 years ago by Linda Simoni-Wastila
Len Kuntz for Real Time @ Pure Slush 9 Matt Potter over 13 years ago by Linda Simoni-Wastila
My New Publications to Announce 7 Gloria Mindock over 13 years ago by Gloria Mindock
Whale Sound 6 W.F. Lantry over 13 years ago by Sam Rasnake
BLIP 5 Bill Yarrow over 13 years ago by Matthew A. Hamilton
Needed - Poetry Editor for new Midwestern lit journal, MIDWESTERN GOTHIC 1 Robert James Russell over 13 years ago by Robert James Russell
New Look, Write For Us, Advertise With Us 6 David Cotrone over 13 years ago by Joani Reese
Midwest Book Review of Angels Carry the Sun by Phoebe Wilcox 3 Phoebe Wilcox over 13 years ago by Susan Tepper
News: link to The Stony Thursday Book 4 Susan Tepper over 13 years ago by Gloria Mindock
MONDAY CHAT with Phoebe Wilcox 4 Susan Tepper over 13 years ago by Gloria Mindock
News: 'Kitchen Scrap' @ A-Minor 10 Matt Potter over 13 years ago by Gloria Mindock
that 11 Matt Dennison over 13 years ago by Gloria Mindock
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