
Title Replies Author Latest Post
A Welcome and Primer STICKY 87 Joani Reese almost 3 years ago by Kitty Boots
. 1 Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III 2 years ago by Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III
"Of course, both Lubitsch and Von Sternberg were lilke, 'She's really good! You could put her in -- '" "But they were like, 'Thanks! We'll just put her in Spring Bow, Summer Bow, Fall Bow.'" 2 Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III 2 years ago by Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III
LORDE: Whoever (THE *FUCK*) *that* might BE ... !!! 1 Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III 2 years ago by Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III
Billie ELLISH: Whoever *THAT* is ... !!! 1 Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III 2 years ago by Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III
"You'll probably LOSE ... " 1 Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III 2 years ago by Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III
"If you know enough to ASK it, you can *GET* it ... " 1 Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III 2 years ago by Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III
People are LIKE, "DIDJA *hear*?? Snydes's dad took him to visit his *SAFETY* School -- like he didn't get in *NOWHERES* BETTER*!!!" "Hey -- isn't that the guy who's box office poison, whom people WARN other people *AWAY* from, because he doesn't KNOW who 3 Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III 2 years ago by Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III
"Now I don't want to tell you how to raise your own KIDS ... " 1 Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III 2 years ago by Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III
"I'm not crazy! You're the one who's crazy! You're driving ME -- " 1 Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III 2 years ago by Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III
Ever know a "scumbag" was a used condom? 1 Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III 2 years ago by Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III
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