Molly DePue

Location Ohio
Occupation student, agriculturalist, sociologist, writer

About Me

I am a nerd, a farm girl, an academic, a bibliophile, a traveler, and a writer/poetess. My education and life experiences in animal sciences, international agriculture, sociology, creative writing, and fantasy fandom are my biggest influences for my storytelling.

Why do you write?

Simple. Because I have to. I don't like me when I'm not writing, and nobody else does, either.

Any favorite authors? Books?

My favorite authors (and inspirations) include Edgar Allen Poe, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Angela Carter, John Steinbeck, Dalton Trumbo, Wislawa Szymborska, Marion Zimmer Bradley, George R.R. Martin, Tamora Pierce, Patrick Rothfuss, Scott Lynch, and Diana Gabaldon.

Molly DePue's Wall

Darryl Price – Jan 26, 2017

Welcome Molly, jump on in!

Robert Taylor Brewer – Oct 18, 2016

Hi Molly
Went to your website - enjoyed the caligraphy and the way it matched up with visual art

Ellie Lee – May 25, 2016

Welcome, Molly. I hope you enjoy being here as much as I do.

Jerry Ratch – May 19, 2016

Welcome! I love the line, "I don't like me when I'm not writing, and nobody else does either."
That would make a great story!

Frankie Saxx – May 18, 2016

Welcome, Molly!

Samuel Derrick Rosen – May 18, 2016

Welcome Molly, you have good taste.

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