by Sam Rasnake
Winter Diary … 1/2018
I broke your heart with the back of my mind
— from a John Hiatt song
The wipers are frozen to the windshield. I chip & chip. Nothing. Ice, still falling. Mid-twenties today. Exhaust rises as I let the truck warm up. That should do it.
Inside, the fire is enough. My empty cup on the hearth begs a bit more, but two is plenty. Down the hall, I hear the Chromatics are on tv. Must be the Roadhouse. Something about shadows and last time and driving.
From the window, a few mourning doves, refuse to let go their spot, huddle on the weeping cherry's bone branches.
The world we think we know isn't the world after all. Sometimes silence is a gift. Sometimes it's the only say we have. But there is the implied, the unsaid. I dreamed a séance class in Honors Hall. The teacher wanted a smoke, and said, “Walk with me.” And I did. We crossed the quad. In the dream I loved his long coat.
Ghosts drift the room as if a reckoning were underway, and I'm fine with that. “It has to be.” I'd eat those words if I could — their tale & plot & landscape or hurt — grind them down with my back teeth, then swallow to keep them hidden, but they'd only sprout in my belly.
The cab must surely be warm by now. Weather channel says the skies should clear by tomorrow. Doesn't matter. This road goes nowhere.
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One of my stabs at flash. A tiny spark of Twin Peaks in the words.
Published at Bending Genres - and included in The Bending Genres Anthology, 2018-2019. Thanks to Robert Vaughan and Meg Tuite for giving the piece two homes.
I like it. This especially, "Ghosts drift the room as if a reckoning were underway..."
And this: "Sometimes silence is a gift. Sometimes it's the only say we have."
Enjoyed this, Sam. Especially like 'Inside, the fire is enough...' & 'The world we think...' segments. Good stuff, thanks for the read.
Atmospheric, nicely done.
Next-to-last paragraph is quite fine.
I sang the last stanza silently to myself and fancied it sounded like Hank Williams. Good stuff.
"grind them down with my back teeth, then swallow to keep them hidden, but they'd only sprout in my belly."
Love this.
Bleak. I felt it.
Great ending. And I loved the "weeping cherry's bone branches." *
Love it, Sam. *
I love the mood this piece creates. Fine writing, Sam *
Loved this. You created such great atmosphere, I felt the cold.
"The world we think we know isn't the world after all."
I love when one line captures me and the contrasts of cold and warm.*
I'm going to have to visit Fictionaut more often for good stuff like this.
Coming up for air, a nice brisk gulp to swallow. "Ghosts drift the room"--good noun/verb pairing. Good work as ever.
*, Sam. You aced your Flash Test.