Tooth parade &windpipe; leaves &damage, &shifts of shape. How we make ourselves of soil &hide our whispers in the hollows of trees. The coming clatter &the rattling of a band of freaks—winsomely ratty &sparkling of old crimson. Day is a time, to us, foregone; that brittle glue that kept us safe from the ancient animals we harbored in our hearts.
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A prose poem inspired by a Halloween prompt by Meg Pokrass: tooth, freak, winsome, ratty, glue.
"kept us safe from the ancient animals we harbored in our hearts." = aces, bro. nice work.
Thanks, Michael! Greatly appreciated.
how true *
( but I didn't understand "tooth parade") (everything after--yes--effective use of language)
I like the construction of this, the assonance and overall ghastly, fraught human plight laid bare. Interesting word choices, and great use of Meg's prompt words.
Had to read this twice, the second time slowly, in order to appreciate the implications of the phrasings. Nice piece. I also love your ampersands : )*
Thanks guys!
Bobbi: Much appreciated. "Tooth parade &windpipe," to me, suggests the image of many (or a seemingly endless supply) of teeth on the throat, or at least a real fear of it. Thank you for reading! ;)
Robert: Thanks so much, man! That means a lot from you.
JP: Above all, thanks for reading twice! ;) And I'm glad you liked it. It's twisty, for sure. I'm freakish with the ampersands sometimes; they suggest a particular rhythm to me. That comment is heartwarming, thanks!
Wonderful phrasing and form. Great sound.
Thanks, Sam! Very kind of you chime in!
yes, so good! more!
David, this is veddy veddy good!
Packs a helluva wallop about the human condition--"How we make ourselves of soil &hide our whispers in the hollows of trees." Amazing stuff.
Meg, Susan, and David: Too kind, folks. Thank you all so much for reading!
This sounds gorgeous - reminded me of G M Hopkins.
Thanks, Rachel! Much appreciated.
I could hear this as I read it. Like it a lot.
Thanks, Sara! Kind of you to say so.
More awesomeness here, David. Great words, love it.
Thanks, Kenny! Much appreciated.