
Title Replies Author Latest Post
A Welcome and Primer STICKY 87 Joani Reese 3 years ago by Kitty Boots
Roberto Carlos Garcia at Connotation Press 11 Joani Reese 12 years ago by Matthew A. Hamilton
Brian Allen Carr's VAMPIRE CONDITIONS 1 See ya 12 years ago by See ya
A New Novel, "Following, published by Cervena Barva Press 6 Gloria Mindock 12 years ago by Gloria Mindock
Rave Review for my novel! 4 Jerry Ratch 12 years ago by Gloria Mindock
Other People Interview Scott McClanahan 2 See ya 12 years ago by Gloria Mindock
Thanks to Chris Allen and Fictionaut for the Review 7 See ya 12 years ago by Joani Reese
Front Page on Vacation 2 M.H. 12 years ago by Susan Tepper
Patrick Wensink 1 See ya 12 years ago by See ya
J.P. Dancing Bear in A-Minor and Last Call for Fiction/Prose Subs! 1 Nicolette Wong 12 years ago by Nicolette Wong
Pachydermini Pack 5 Live 3 brian warfield 12 years ago by David Tomaloff
Fiction in NY Times 11 MichaelDickes 12 years ago by MichaelDickes
In Blue Fifth Review... Broadside #27 3 Sam Rasnake 12 years ago by Joani Reese
And Our Call for Submissions Continues 5 RW Spryszak 12 years ago by Susan Tepper
Marcus Speh, Misti Rainwater-Lites, Gessy Alvarez, Darren Cormier and many many more in Thrice #5 10 RW Spryszak 12 years ago by RW Spryszak
The Negative Review, pro and con 9 Carol Reid 12 years ago by James Lloyd Davis
Thrice reviewed by ReviewReview... 13 RW Spryszak 12 years ago by Ann Bogle
Hello! 5 Jaime Franchi 12 years ago by Jaime Franchi
Camroc Press Review's Editor's Favorite 11 Barry Basden 12 years ago by Barry Basden
Very Short Story Contest 2 Laura Isaacman 12 years ago by Joani Reese
Volodymyr Bilyk (artwork) at A-Minor and Extended Deadline for Flash/Prose Special!!! 1 Nicolette Wong 12 years ago by Nicolette Wong
The Coffin Factory - the magazine for people who love books. 1 Laura Isaacman 12 years ago by Laura Isaacman
'real' submissions @ Pure Slush 1 Matt Potter 12 years ago by Matt Potter
Now Hiring: Fiction Editor 1 Lacey N. Dunham 12 years ago by Lacey N. Dunham
Two New Books by Cervena Barva Press. One by Fictionaut Matthew A. Hamilton 4 Gloria Mindock 12 years ago by Gloria Mindock
It's all over this week 2 Benjamin Matvey 12 years ago by Zum Bobo
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