• Dsc_7543.thumb
    Gloria Garfunkel
    Aug 08, 04:20am

    Group Description

    We've all seen them scattered among the flash fiction, these "little" segments of "enormous" stories trying to pass for small. I admit I'm trying to do it myself with a story I really, really want read but no one here will read 7000 pages. So I am begging you, all of you writing serial stories with numbers in the title, stop camouflaging them among shorter stories and bring them here. We'll treat them right and get them read. With two caveats: Sections must be no longer than 800 words --revise, revise, revise -- and you post them only here and nowhere else. Post them in order so we aren't confused. Post one chapter/section per main page of group.

    Anything longer has a place on groups for longer stories and novel excerpts. Not here. Not with short stories. Our eyes glaze ove with boredom when we see a numbered excerpt among authentically short stories. Here, we welcome you, but with a smidgen of criticism if we think your are too long-winded etc. Expect more criticism here than elsewhere because you are long on a short story website and may require some twelve step work.

    If this sounds good, remove all numbered stories from elsewhere and bring them here. Now. You know who you are, which includes myself.

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