Forum / Press 53

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    kate hill cantrill
    Aug 03, 06:03pm

    Hey there! My short story collection, Walk Back From Monkey School, is now available to pre-order from Press 53! They also have a sneak peek on today's P53 blog! Yay!


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    Joani Reese
    Aug 03, 06:11pm

    Congratulations Kate! May be at your launch party in NYC this fall. I heard it will be happening while Jen Knox and I are in town. Good for you.

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    kate hill cantrill
    Aug 03, 06:42pm

    That would be SO great!! September 22 in DUMBO, BK. I promise fun! And great food and boxed wine!

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    Gloria Mindock
    Aug 06, 02:41pm

    Congratulations Kate! They do great work!

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