
Title Replies Author Latest Post
A Welcome and Primer STICKY 87 Joani Reese 3 years ago by Kitty Boots
October at Flash Fiction Chronicles 1 Jim Harrington almost 11 years ago by Jim Harrington
Pithead Chapel's November Issue 4 Keith Rebec almost 11 years ago by Keith Rebec
Blue Fifth Review - Broadside #32 ... Fiction by Andrew Stancek 5 Sam Rasnake almost 11 years ago by Sam Rasnake
Runner up stories of the Fourteenth Glass Woman Prize 5 Beate Sigriddaughter almost 11 years ago by Carol Reid
Ruth Madievsky at CPR 1 Barry Basden almost 11 years ago by Barry Basden
"Long stories" 19 Henry Standing Bear almost 11 years ago by James Lloyd Davis
How do you close/delete account? 2 Wally Rudolph almost 11 years ago by Carol Reid
Josef K. Strosche at Revolution John 1 Henry Standing Bear almost 11 years ago by Henry Standing Bear
Susan Gibb's story "The Black Side of Wonder" won the 14th Glass Woman Prize 12 Beate Sigriddaughter almost 11 years ago by Susan Gibb
a flurry of activity around 'hobbies @ Pure Slush 1 Matt Potter almost 11 years ago by Matt Potter
short stories wanted 5 Lance Manion almost 11 years ago by Javed Hayat
Kill your darlings. No, wait, don't! 11 David Ackley almost 11 years ago by Matthew Robinson
On death and grief 2 Charlotte Hamrick almost 11 years ago by Chris Okum
Nobel Notes, or Realists Need Not Apply 35 strannikov almost 11 years ago by Javed Hayat
Guest post anyone? 7 Henry Standing Bear almost 11 years ago by Amanda Harris
A question for editors 4 Charlotte Hamrick almost 11 years ago by Sam Rasnake
Anyone want to do an interview? 2 Kait Mauro almost 11 years ago by Amanda Harris
Crossing the (Invisible) Line Between Poetry and Prose Poetry 1 Jim Harrington almost 11 years ago by Jim Harrington
Alice Munro wins Nobel Prize 11 Barry Friesen almost 11 years ago by Ann Bogle
Heavy Feather's review of Robert Vaughan's Microtones 2 Henry Standing Bear almost 11 years ago by Robert Vaughan
New Market - Revolution 4 Henry Standing Bear almost 11 years ago by Henry Standing Bear
Bent Country interview with Sam Rasnake 6 Henry Standing Bear almost 11 years ago by Gary Hardaway
DP shows us the inner workings 8 Henry Standing Bear almost 11 years ago by Henry Standing Bear
October Issue, Blue Five Notebook 4 Sam Rasnake almost 11 years ago by Sam Rasnake
Cinema Verite' by Sam Rasnake 4 Gary Hardaway almost 11 years ago by Henry Standing Bear
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