Forum / If you're an American and you're old enough...

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Nov 18, 05:52pm remember the day in Dallas when everything changed and ideological minds lost their virginity, you will probably never get it that people who weren't around back then just can't quite grasp why it cut so deep into the mind and hearts of so many.

    But they don't, not really. Intellectually perhaps, but not to the point where their hearts bear the scars.

    It's not their fault. They don't remember the innocence and maybe they can't really believe it existed. It did, though. It was real and so very short-lived.

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    Adam Sifre
    Nov 19, 02:22am

    Don't worry, there have been plenty of horrors since then that have changed and left scars.

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Nov 20, 01:11am


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    Nonnie Augustine
    Nov 20, 02:41pm

    I was 14 and didn't really feel the weight of the tragedy until I got home and saw how it affected my mother. She'd love JFK and his family and watched the news on television all weekend. She didn't cook, or talk to us, or mother us; she watched and cried. That's how I understood—through her.

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