Forum / Confession

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    Henry Standing Bear
    Nov 05, 03:33pm

    I don't read much poetry here, or anywhere else for that matter. Well, I read it, I just don't feel adequate enough to comment on it. Just wanted to put that out there. I love a lot of the poetry here, I'm just without the words to talk about it in a way that could be understood, most likely.

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Nov 05, 05:57pm

    Your comment should be your feelings. When you go to a museum and you stand in front of a painting you start to feel something inside if it moves you--you begin to dance. This shouldn't have to be explained..whatever your reaction is, it is yours. You don't have to have it validated by others. Let them dance in their own way. Their reaction is not going to be your reaction--and that's perfectly okay. As a matter of fact, it's more than okay.

  • Nuclearman2_1_.thumb
    Christian Bell
    Nov 05, 09:22pm

    I understand this. There are some great poets posting here. I tend to view their poems through a flash/microfiction lens, if that makes sense. I find there are often some similarities in the forms.

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    Gary Hardaway
    Nov 06, 01:32am

    Poem in tongue and cheek response to this up at the story board.

    I do find greater affinities between flash/micro fiction and poetry than between longer form fiction. I do find it curious that poets seem to feel less fear in responding to fiction than fictionists feel in responding to poems.

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Nov 06, 02:37am

    Poems are a large percentage of the posting on the site. I like poems, write a few, but don't claim to understand them.

    I've come to think of poems as raw prose mixed with allusion and extruded into form under pressure with lots of heat.

    Poems are songs and songs, poems. What makes one song a hit and another a clunker? When I can answer that, maybe I'll know something.

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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Nov 06, 03:08am

    For me, a poem is just another way of telling a story. I have no idea if how I write one is "right" according to the experts. And I don't care. I care if the reader enjoys it and I'm very appreciative for any comments and suggestions. I've really appreciated Bill Yarrow's suggestions and Matt D.'s. BTW, where has that man gone? I miss him.

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    Henry Standing Bear
    Nov 06, 01:30pm

    I knew a lot of poets when I was younger and they always seemed to be interested in structure, tradition and form to the same degree they were interested in word choices and the turn of a good phrase or line. I so admire that kind of work ethic and have always given poetry all my respect. I write bad poetry and I know I do. I'm okay with it, but it's not something I'm going to share with too many people or submit to journals (though I have published a couple back in the day). For now, I'm just happy to have the chance to read so many good poems here. Thanks for joining the dicussion, folks.

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Nov 06, 05:47pm

    Just remember you don't have to like something just because you're told you ought to. Things can be explained into the ground, but if they don't excite you then you need not pretend. The colors and shapes and sounds of the world are an incredible amount--too many to really count. All you can do is watch and listen and enjoy what you do. Not everyone likes the same colors or the same combination of colors or even the same vibrations of strings on a played instrument. There's nothing wrong with this. It's perfectly natural. But don't give up on the new found experience just because you haven't found the one that works best for you yet--whether you are creating your own or celebrating someone else's.The possibilities are simply to vast to ignore the potential for joy.

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Nov 06, 11:09pm

    The only definition of poetry I hold to -

    "A poem is anything said in such a way or put on the page in such a way as to invite from the hearer or reader a certain kind of attention."

    -William Stafford

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Nov 07, 02:07am

    Poetry is the words that come out to play when the grown-ups have all gone to bed.

    Don't analyze 'em.

    Just let 'em play.


  • Panama_hat.thumb
    Nonnie Augustine
    Nov 07, 05:37pm

    Just say Aha! or Whoosh! or Mmmm! and the poet will be happy. If your response to a poem is zzzz, or ugh, or "I vomited in my mouth", then maybe don't leave a comment, even if you think it's for the poet's own good.

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    Henry Standing Bear
    Nov 19, 05:23pm

    Most of you may have caught this poem, but it sure hits the mark. Cool of Gary to write it and surely cool to have shared it here.

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    Gary Hardaway
    Nov 19, 10:47pm

    Thanks, Sheldon.

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