Forum / Dead Mule

  • Panama_hat.thumb
    Nonnie Augustine
    Nov 19, 05:33pm

    Thank you for the comments on this piece, Fictionaut readers. You encouraged me with this one and The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature published it. I'm dead chuffed. Cheers to you!

  • White.thumb
    Henry Standing Bear
    Nov 19, 05:54pm


  • Wince_cover2.thumb
    Barry Basden
    Nov 19, 11:57pm

    Well, haysus, that first sentence almost made me weep. A killer...just went over and faved it. So glad I could.

  • Panama_hat.thumb
    Nonnie Augustine
    Nov 20, 01:25am

    Thanks Sheldon and Barry. This is a good place, eh?

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