by Mathew Paust
The head is good, but the heart will take awhile.
Reason understands the whys, and reason never lies,
Oh the ego had its fling, and the world then seemed to sing,
So easy 'twas to smile, as stars conspired to beguile,
But the joker showed its face, made the hand give up its ace,
Now the head knows what it should, but the heart will take awhile.
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Wrote this some years back as a Valentine's Day reflection. Bill Yarrow's splendid love poem -- Absence -- reminded me of romance's flip side.
(Meanwhile, I've gotten a decent start on Chapter 32 of Death's Honesty.)
"The head is good"
Sometimes I wonder ...
Fun all around.
Good one, Matt.
Thanks (from head and heart), Erika, Gary and Kitty.
very well, Matthew.
"the heart will take a while,"
But knows best! *
Thank you, Randal and Tim. I like to think so, Tim.
I like this. *.