Tainted love is stained love, a dirty jeans love, mucky under nails and knees from garden dirt and worms slippery, slickery things compost-heaped, grubs chewing love.
Tainted love is tinted love, a greyer pink love, edges purple from necrosis, halitosis, the lack of osmosis, a hypoxia of the heart hardened boundaries kind of love.
Tainted love is skinny love, skinned and thinned weak broth love, fight veneered, resentment adhered, salty-teared nicotine-laden cloud love, breathed in and cancerous.
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80 words
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Inspired by National Poetry Writing Month and the 52-250 Flash a Year Challenge theme: tainted love. Thanks to Michelle, John, and Sir Walter for hosting such a super venue! Peace...
yes, love this. "halitosis" did it for me.
Well done, Linda. That second paragraph is perfect. *
Why thank you Marcus and Christian for your kind words and pretty stars on TAINTED LOVE -- so appreciated! Yeah, halitosis -- such a mouthfeel word, no? peace...
i like this piece. i like reading it aloud. i like things that i like reading aloud. *
Good piece, Linda.
"...a greyer pink love, edges purple from necrosis, halitosis, the lack of osmosis, a hypoxia of the heart hardened boundaries kind of love." Yes. Big like.
Loved this at 52/250 and here as well. I love all the images you've drawn out, all the meanings, messy and sane, of love.
"...fight veneered, resentment adhered, salty-teared nicotine-laden cloud love..."
Holy Toledo!
LOVE! Each paragraph made me feel differently; I smiled, winced, nodded. Big ***
Dear Susan, Sam, Stephen, James, and Jules -- thank you for reading, kind words, and stars for TAINTED LOVE - I appreciate you all so much. Peace...
So many wonderful images! nicotine-laden, cancerous. This is generously accurate.
I love this, Linda, love reading over and again. After a few times, it almost reads itself. Wonderful use if words.
Beate, thank you for the kind words and star -- very much appreciated. And 'generously acurate' - wow! Peace...
Foster, thank you. Your comment about reading over and over again, that TL almost reads itself, makes my morning. Peace...
Would love to hear you read this . . .what a a terrific piece - suppose it's trite to say you really do have a way with words. . . but you REALLY do have etc. etc.
Rap it, sista! This is good. I love the alliterative lines and the fast, slippery juxtaposition of imagery.*