by Bill Yarrow
for Ray
Inevitability: it's what's for dinner.
Step lively through the arrogance
of landscape, step decisively across
the minefield of joy. Tread independently
the airport road. Treat your neurons
with respect. Do I have a second?
It takes only one grain of sand
to sabotage the aperture, to desolate
a lens. Place your glasses in a vial
of acid. The frames dissolve apace.
When information fails, there
is always information theory.
When the future falters, there
is always the redacted past.
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This poem appeared in The Del Sol Review, #18.
Thanks Derek Alger!
It appears in Pointed Sentences (BlazeVOX 2012).
I do like this poem.
Of course. *
Yes. What an opening line.*
set things on course smoothly.
How lyrical. I wonder, why redacted?
This poem strangely enough appeals to the scientist in me. Perhaps it's the clarity which also uncovers the absurd that hovers right below the surface of the rational mind. I'm probably overinterpreting...
"..redacted past.."
The phrase inspired me.
"It takes only one grain of sand
to sabotage the aperture, to desolate
a lens."
This poem is wonderful, Bill. I posted a poem today. Will you please look at it!
Great ending. *
I enjoyed this and I usually don't like poetry. Thanks.