Dogs will hump anything
Cats do not hump
To obtain a dog's affection, you must feed it
To obtain a cat's affection, you must avoid it
Once a dog gets into a bad habit, you buy a shock collar
Once a cat gets into a bad habit, you buy new drapes
When the dog's unhappy, it whines for attention
When the cat's unhappy, ain't nobody happy
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I've always had this idea that dogs are male and cats are female. I don't know why. When we got a female dog, it confused me for about six weeks. I wrote this little list a while back and have been adding to it and subtracting from it for years. Then I rewrote it from the perspective of a horny, spurned husband, and it became much funnier.
Star. If for no other reason for the last line alone. Ain't it the truth!
Thanks, Jack.
Much appreesh.
John, funny piece. Reminds me of a piece i saw about if a computer is male or female and arguments for each side. gotta find it.
This is funny, and at least some of it strikes me as true . . . about actual dogs and cats, I mean. The last line is good. And it made me think also of a book of cartoons about cats that is titled "Everything Here is Mine."
Thanks, Stephanie.
Love me some lists, and this is a good one.
Thanks, Sheldon.