by Jerry Ratch
I think someone's
Got their foot
On my foot
Not holding me down
But maybe helping to ground me
It's almost like they're
Tapping the top of my foot
Now and then
While listening to some kind of
Internal music
Tell me
What part of your soul
Was I hanging from
When I was singing inside you?
There must be a new kind of music
I'm not hearing
That may lead to
The ultimate question mark
On the forehead
Of mankind
That maybe leads to the
Passing of Great Dreams
Or even possibly
To the Ultimate Answer
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poem, poetry
I like this, Jerry. It has a Navajo feel to it. I could hear a flute playing inside my head while reading it.
There's a lot in here, Jerry. I can't help but think of George Floyd. *
Thanks Matt and Tim!
"Tell me
What part of your soul
Was I hanging from
When I was singing inside you? " I love that!
Thank you, Dianne!