You got a lot of people, out there
You got your two main categories
You got men & you got women, I'm saying, OK?
You got one half there, right off the bat
that are not like you, not really.
You got the other half, then, to work with
and they are not like you, either.
You got trouble, pal. Is all I'm saying.
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66 words
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written in a speeding nyc cab, west village,
balmy night
oh the girls in their summer dresses--
This story has no tags.
I'd get this, but I'm not like you, buddy.
Enjoyed this piece, Gary.
Hey, enjoyed this too, Gary.
Know what you mean. Sometimes you can't even empathise with yourself.
Amen to that.
walter: laughed my ass off when i read yr comment
everyone: tahanks for reading this silliness
there should be a category for cab art--
I was in the cab with you on this one. The voice is so strong I could hear you, beside me, sort of looking out the window and saying this to me. Probably the best piece I've read in some time that employed that conversational tone.
hey sheldon, thanks for reading, really--
i wish you had been in the cab, we coulda split the fare, lol
you got trouble, pal
very cool poem
thanks susan--
sometimes things just seem to go from bleak to bleaker
love this. Also love the idea of a nyc cab but instead i'm looking at a couple of specimens from that other half working their butts of in the garden as i'm looking on, not working. Is all i'm saying for now.
Nice one, Gary. Great job of creating a distinct voice with minimal words.
hey finn--i see what you're up to. good work.
christian--many thanks
I was going to say, "Amen," only to find that Jack beat me to it. I'll have to go with "You got trouble, pal."
hey beate!
thanks for reading this one--
Addendum to my earlier comment: This is the first poem (other than my own and maybe one or two of Mary Oliver's and a few Hariz ones) that I've read to my husband over the phone (he living in Vancouver, me living in Denver, until June when I get to finally move up there). He loved it!
And a great sense of humour too! (Australian spelling) I'm becoming all 'Garried' out now or maybe I'm being 'Garried' away! (sorry) it's getting late here Down Under.
myra, thanks!
myra, thanks!
Enjoyed this! Second time I read it, I tried to locate the place where the speeding driver looks into the rear view mirror (which you suddenly realize is trained on you) to see if you're getting the point. Or maybe just to see if someone's there.
hey, totally.
got it.
jeez, i forgot i wrote this one. how'd you find it, lol
all it did was make me miss ny all over again--