
Title Replies Author Latest Post
A Welcome and Primer STICKY 87 Joani Reese almost 3 years ago by Kitty Boots
"Bye, bye, Miss American Pie. Drove my Chevy™ to the Levee but the Levee was dry. And good old boys -- " 1 Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III almost 2 years ago by Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III
Dick *CHENEY* married a *DONKEY* DICK!!! 1 Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III almost 2 years ago by Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III
There's photos of Jay LENO™ sucking donkey *DICKS* on MTV!!! 2 Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III almost 2 years ago by Chris Okum
Thanks 4 Agnes Ezra Arabella almost 2 years ago by Dianne McKnight-Warren
No-one wants to admit Bill Clinton won because he was on Arsenio Hall. 2 Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III 2 years ago by Chris Okum
"Samuel Alito just blew up into a million fuckin' pieces!" 1 Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III 2 years ago by Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III
"Take a knife, to your dick. Cut it off, because you're shit. Happy Birthday, you're worthless." 1 Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III 2 years ago by Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III
Sally HOUTMAN reminder on 2 Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III 2 years ago by David Ackley
bolshoi spasibo, mille grazie, merci bien, et cetera et cetera et cetera 6 strannikov 2 years ago by Chris Okum
Occupy Buckley™: 1 Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III 2 years ago by Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III
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