Forum / Jill Chan

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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Mar 15, 05:21pm

    Our own sweet Jill had passed, I just learned today. I thought the community would want to know. Thanks to Matt for seeing the news on Isacoustic.

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    Dianne McKnight-Warren
    Mar 15, 06:00pm

    I didn't know she was sick. I really wish I'd read more of her work.

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    Erika Byrne-Ludwig
    Mar 15, 07:19pm

    This is really sad and so unexpected. My condolences to her family and friends. She will be missed.

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    Mathew Paust
    Mar 15, 07:37pm

    First Sally, now Jill. I had no idea either was mortally ill. This is shocking and sad.

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    Mar 15, 07:50pm

    Thank you, Matt, for the alert, and thank you, Charlotte, for sharing.

    Memory eternal: Jill Chan.

    I am not familiar with most of her work and could claim no personal acquaintance, but I continue to appreciate the positive feedback she gave yours truly last year while rolling out the Daodejing paraphrase. Her welcome and generous responses helped me persevere with the work: in that regard she'll stay in my memory close to Sally Houtman.

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    eamon byrne
    Mar 15, 09:19pm

    Jill was a fine, frequent contributor to this site. I am very sad to hear of her passing. Like so many here, we commented occasionally on each other's work. It is in this context that we can reflect on how lives can connect in a small way through the passing between of words.

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    Kitty Boots
    Mar 15, 10:14pm

    So sad to hear of Jill's passing. I enjoyed her work.

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    Erika Byrne-Ludwig
    Mar 16, 02:27am
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    Darryl Price
    Mar 17, 07:00pm

    I'm so sad to hear of this news. I'm broken-hearted, really. She was someone I greatly admired. A gifted and original soul.

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    Ann Bogle
    Mar 19, 11:18pm

    Here is her Fictionaut page:

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    Sam Rasnake
    Mar 20, 01:31pm

    Oh no. Sad. So unexpected. Jill was a wonderful writer. My connection with her predates Fictionaut - back to the earlier days of Blue Fifth Review.

    I will surely miss reading new works.

    I will miss Jill.

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    David Ackley
    Mar 21, 11:30pm

    Hard to believe, she will be sorely missed.

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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Mar 22, 10:32pm

    Barton Smock of Isacoustic is planning an issue dedicated to Jill.

    He says, “I would like to publish in volume third any remembrances, poems, asides by those Jill and her work touched. I am making this volume of {isacoustic*} free to anyone requesting, and will be sending it to all taking part in the honoring, to all contributors published in the volume, and to all contributors of the past two volumes.

    If you knew, by which I mean know, Jill, by person, spirit, or by work…you can send such remembrances to in any form you see fit, and I will get them into volume third.”

    To be published mid to late April.

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