by Jerry Ratch
They had to dress normal, my other boyfriends, be beardless, hairless, everything torn away, plucked, shorn smooth, because it elicited moisture on the tongue (when I was with you.) But I grew bored as the day before I first saw you.
I was like a new moon again after you left, with its light fire still surviving the hold of the blue day, ship, riverbed and belly, like a classical living being. Impregnated, drifting forward with time, impartial to the firm law and plan, putting to bed all prior argument, covering all with a little forgetful flesh. And truth be known, I would have given up that whole show in a heartbeat, to be with you again.
So sing, sing your swan's song. Sing on, until time melts and means nothing. You can lean on my shoulder if you must. I will certainly lean my head on yours, and with my arm around your waist, we will watch the darkness fade away. It's too late to stop it now.
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Adul(e)rated Memoirs
Seems to be two pieces. Love the last two stanzas by themselves.
Great suggestion, Jack! Okay, there you go! Got rid of the first two stazas, and added a third.
Bingo! Fav.
Thanks, Jack!