Rocks and crevasses, vestiges of
a bitter past, lie directly in my path
I thought I would be far beyond them by now
But no, the passage of time
is never that deliberate,
It pulses with expectations, and demons,
fears, reflections of our worst selves
The rift of losing you was jagged and violent
Then swiftly smoothed over by future thoughts,
daily exigencies and the need to be confident
Today I am swooning with sadness
As I remember the sweet promise of all our plans
We had it all mapped out.
Now, seated in this room,
Surrounded by the detritus of your collections
The accumulations of your dog years,
Somehow meant to fill the empty spaces
of your unrealized dreams,
Placeholders for the challenges that
would remain abstract, untested
I am left with the regrets of that other life,
reminders of what could not be,
daring me to attempt the impossible now
Oddly, I feel free, and happy beyond belief
An unseen beat continues to tap out
A path into tomorrow
And nothing is stopping me from dancing
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161 words
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It's a time of reflection. Today in particular.
That last line got me. Convincing writing.*
The closing stanza - yes. A good read. I like. *
Oh I like that last image too.
This piece would feel stronger to me if some of the more obvious phrasings could be left out or changed. Here for example:
We all know nothing is forever,
But the rift of losing you was jagged and violent
The first sentence "We all know nothing is forever" seems to state the obvious, and I wonder if this would be stronger if it simply began with that image of the rift, jagged and violent. Those obvious or potentially cliched phrasings distract me from the more powerful parts of the writing here.
Strong images, though. Just a small thought if you are still tweaking...
Thanks Michelle. That is always my way in early drafts. The cliches come through first, and then I have to slash and burn them to get to the more original thoughts.
Great suggestion. I'm making that change, and will def have another look at the whole piece with that in mind...