Click on my name above. It will take you to my home page where you will find links to other stories and my serialized novel "Five Million Yen".
Chuck unpacked it and flattened it. After some discussion it was placed in that hallway.
—It doesn't look like it did in the ad, said Marge.
—Yeah, you have to look at those catalogs carefully. We probably should have bought it locally.
—Well, I hate to bother you. I made the decision myself. I thought it was redder, not so coppery.
—Marge, let's see how it looks in the late afternoon.
The both agreed that it looked better when the sun came at a low angle through the French doors.
—Maybe we should keep it, said Chuck.
—I don't know. I'll sleep on it and see how it looks tomorrow. I think I should send it back.
Since Chuck was a big snorer, he slept upstairs in the former kids' bedroom.
About four in the morning he heard the cat vomiting.
He came downstairs went in the kitchen took the kitchen wastebasket and a roll of paper towels and went to look for the cat vomit. He knew it had to be on the new rug.
That cat sat with a guilty look next to a long fur-ball on the new rug. The liquid from the fur-ball had seeped into the new carpet.
Chuck was having his morning coffee when Marge came into the kitchen in her housecoat.
—We own the rug, said Chuck.
—What do you mean?
—The cat vomited on it last night. I cleaned it up, but there is a little stain I couldn't lift.
—I just walked over it and decided to send it back.
—Too late, now.
The cat rubbed against his leg purring.
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A flash fiction of the mundane
Oh, I know that story! A cat never saw a new rug that it didn't think was an ideal puke spot! *
Anything freshly washed is also a cat puke magnet. When there is nothing new/clean, then order of precedence is determined by where the spot has the best chance of staining. I have devoted much study to this feline proclivity & determined they vomit with malice aforethought.
Jake & Frankie: That's been my experience for the last 65 years. I had a terrific Maine Coon cat whose only bad habit was two-four hairballs a day, liberally spread about the house, and usually on anything new, freshly washed bed linen very popular, and the exact place you would step barefoot in the dark. Thanks for commenting. Frankie, like that "they vomit with malice aforethought."
(I have my outrageously-long-haired-Maine-Coonish cat shaved every summer.
The piles of hair on the hardwood floors n' carpet are just TOO MUCH.
And the hairballs...Oy!
We've got a norwegian forest cat mix with a huge fluffy coat. He hardly ever hairballs. The other cat, a shorthair who hairballs frequently, licks him to keep her supply up.
mtdnsn & Frankie-
Cats. Either you love 'em or you own only dogs.
Ah, but this is lovely in the mundanity! I like:
—Marge, let's see how it looks in the late afternoon.
The both agreed that it looked better when the sun came at a low angle through the French doors.
Thank you Jane. Mundane can be work:-))