by Bill Yarrow
Alone in the arms of amorpheus
I battle banal demons
who sit like grease
inside my blood
Pain is the saddle which rides me
Pain is the cowboy's gun
More morphing, please!
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105 words
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This poem was published in MiPOesias.
Thanks, Didi Menendez.
No Hay Bandaid" is a play on "No Hay Banda" from Mullholland Drive.
"No Hay Bandaid" appears in THE VIG OF LOVE (Glass Lyre Press, 2016).
great! *
*, Bill. A great close to an exceptional poem.
Beautiful close. *
*Every line.*
The "stained-glass soul"
What a lovely image.
"As the stained-glass soul emerges from a covered bridge
it is chased by a yowling mutt
toward a nest of sleeping wasps
We have to mend the fences
whether they're broken or not"
I battle banal demons
who sit like grease
inside my blood
Thank you, Jerry, Arturo, David, Rachna, Nonnie, Erika, Reva, and Tim!
who sit like grease
inside my blood
One of my favorites in your book. ***
Thank you, Jamal and Charlotte!
All of it, wow!
Thanks, Kitty!