Forum / Good-bye, Susan Tepper

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    Gloria Garfunkel
    Aug 24, 04:28pm

    You will be greatly missed by me.

  • Franklin Goodish
    Aug 24, 05:13pm

    eh, what? where is she going?

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    Lynn Beighley
    Aug 24, 06:00pm

    What happened? Gloria, do you have any more information?

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    Joani Reese
    Aug 24, 06:30pm

    Susan-- Any time you want to come back, (if you do), I have an invite with your name on it. I'll see you around the ranch, and I'll miss you here.

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    Gloria Garfunkel
    Aug 25, 12:29am

    Susan is very important to me, is well, but I feel I need to keep her confidences and couldn't not acknowledge her choice to leave the group. I feel a great personal loss.

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    Lynn Beighley
    Aug 25, 01:02am

    Of course. I'm sorry to see her leave.

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    David Ackley
    Aug 25, 01:24am

    This is really too bad. Susan is not only a wonderful writer but has been an indefatigable advocate for other writers and their work and for Fictionaut itself. If you read this, Susan, thanks for all you did, the reviews, the interviews and the invitations to submit work--and that's only on my own behalf.I'm sure that could be multiplied by the many others you've helped. I am truly sorry to see you leave and we'll be the poorer without you.

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Aug 25, 02:23am

    Susan helped a lot of people here in many ways. I'm sorry to see her leave.

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    Darryl Price
    Aug 25, 07:59pm

    She is a dear literary friend and a constant inspiration. I don't know what sparked this decision on her part, but I do know that if a vote of any kind had been taken,we would have overwhelmingly asked her to stay on with us.

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    W.F. Lantry
    Aug 26, 09:15pm

    We are all diminished by this. Alas!

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    Joani Reese
    Aug 27, 12:38am

    I find it sad that for as many people as Susan supported by interviewing them for the Monday Chat, putting them in touch with other people who could support their writing careers, and asking them if she could publish work she read of theirs here, so few are willing to wish her well and comment on her leaving. There are factions at every web site, and Fictionaut is no exception, unfortunately, but some of you who received support and encouragement who have not even had the guts to say thank you or wish Susan well ought to consider what that says about you as independent thinkers and empathetic people. If this leads to some kind of cynical or nasty response from someone, I just want you to know this is my last comment on the subject.

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    Gary Hardaway
    Aug 27, 01:00am

    Susan has been unfailingly kind to me. She is exceptionally generous to other writers and is a highly skilled and inventive writer herself. She made Fictionaut a better place to be. I will miss her. I hope she will return.

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    Gessy Alvarez
    Aug 27, 01:43am

    I'm sad Susan is gone. I had the pleasure of meeting her in person a few months ago. I was too shy to say hello and she admonished me with a smile. Susan is a kind and generous writer and I will miss her presence here.

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    James Claffey
    Aug 27, 03:14am

    i echo these sentiments. susan is a great supporter of my writing, and so many others on here. it's a real shame, and i find myself drawing back my own involvement on the site, too. i hope she comes back.

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    Matthew Robinson
    Aug 27, 07:10am

    Susan is one of many brilliant writers I've discovered as a result of joining this website. I wish she and I could have interacted a bit more; I gained tremendous respect for her very quickly, enjoyed and was moved by the work she shared, as well as her contributions to the blog and the forums. Passion and grace are two words I associate with her. I hope all is well on her end or at least is on its way to be. Hopefully we are able to interact at least on some other medium, if not this one anymore.

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    Linda Simoni-Wastila
    Aug 27, 01:43pm

    I've been absent quite a bit, just because of work and family and writing busy-ness, and just saw this thread over the weekend.

    This saddens me. Susan has been a mentor and colleague to me, very generous. And very kind.

    I don't understand why she left, but I will miss her. Very much. Peace...

  • Gloriamindock200x274.thumb
    Gloria Mindock
    Aug 27, 02:33pm

    Thank you Susan for all you did here and introducing me to Fictionaut. It is because of you telling me about Fictionaut, that I joined. I met and corresponded with some really nice writers on the site here because of you. I feel you leaving is a big loss to the Fictionaut community though I understand why, which I will not comment on. You did so much for so many of us and commented always on so many stories and poems. You gave tons of yourself here.
    Thank you Susan and of course we will stay in touch, just not here.
    PS-you gave me the courage to write flash fiction!!!! Thank you-

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    J. Mykell Collinz
    Aug 27, 02:49pm

    I'm sorry to learn that Susan Tepper has decided to leave Fictionaut. She is one of my favorite writers, commenters, and interviewers. I haven't been able to spend as much time reading here as I would like and I have passed up commenting on quite a few stories, interviews, and forum threads that I actually did read, including some with her name on them, and I'm sorry now for that. I hope she returns.

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    Sam Rasnake
    Aug 27, 03:23pm

    Diversity is one of the essential ingredients that a writer should possess. That applies as well to writing communities. The more varied and eclectic its members, the stronger – at least in my view – the writing community. I appreciate Susan Tepper’s presence and insight here. She’s been a moderator, a reader, a voice, writer, interviewer, editor, mentor, critic, an advocate, an adversary, an ally, a friend to many of us here. And FN needs all of that for it to thrive.

    I’m sorry that Susan has left FN. We’re a weaker writing community because of her loss. We're a community first - a place to post works second.

    Susan has been a strong supporter of my work – and I don't just mean favs and comments. The same could be said of her connection to the work of many writers here. That support goes well beyond the links and boxes of FN. She’s been an immense help to my writing life – a reader, a critic, a help, a sounding board for the writer in me. I know I'm not alone in that view. I'll certainly miss her presence here. FN will miss her presence here.

    Be well, Susan.

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    Susan Gibb
    Aug 27, 08:07pm

    Everyone's said it, and as writers, said it better than I. I don't know the circumstances that led to her decision but I know she's given more of herself to others here than anyone. I've been a rare visitor here myself for the past year or so but the friendships, the connections, the honesty and camaraderie I've been offered here are something I'll always be grateful for receiving. I'm sure those of us who owe so much to Susan will still be in touch outside of these walls.

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    Misti Rainwater-Lites
    Aug 28, 02:21pm

    I hope Susan returns.

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    Roberto C. Garcia
    Sep 17, 12:46pm

    Wow. I completely missed this forum post. Susan is a mover and a shaker and so often the heartbeat of F'naut. I'll miss her interviews and her writing here on the site.

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    H-M Brown
    Sep 18, 12:13am

    Robert C. Garcia, same here, it appeared this happened in August when I went on vacation, dang.

    Well it was definitely a pleasure meeting her at the Poetry gathering in New York a few years ago. I still have her book she gave me that night. She was a nice person.

    Good luck Susan.

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    Penny Goring
    Sep 19, 02:18pm


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    Andrew Stancek
    Sep 19, 06:08pm

    I have not checked in here for a long long time but must say that Susan has been a wonderful supporter and friend. I will miss her here but know that I will encounter her elsewhere.

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