She stood in the doorway that day in fifty seven
on that warm bright sunny morn
leaning against the sill
told us what we didn't want to hear
Children, dad died this night
we went on reading our comics
not wanting to listen
Here comes the son
there went the sun
out of my life
Grandparents and aunts perished thereafter
but it was just like I read the news, as a boy
I just wanted to hold his hand
Say, you want a revolution?
two died that year
well, you know . . . .
baby you can drive my hearse
it couldn't get much worse
She sang will you still need me
when she was sixty
four years later
I thought I didn't
I was heltered and skeltered all over the place
doin' it in the road
no mother nature's son
I got blisters on my soul
while my guitar loudly screeched
Hare Rama
I rode the pony
down the long and winding road
back to where I once belonged
She stood in the doorway in nineteen eight oh
on that cold bright sunny morn
head against the sill
she told me what I didn't want to hear
Walter, John was killed
No comic books to block the pain
my guitar started to weep
and in the end
I got a phone call
no one in the doorway anymore
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200 words
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For John & my Dad, though this is as much about my Mom as anything.
Written on the anniversary of John's 20th year gone, soon to be 30.
This story has no tags.
This could make a guitar gently weep. It's a beautiful elegy to so many things.
Beautifully written. Liked how you intwined some of the song lyrics into this.
Great piece, Walter. Good form with wonderful phrasings.
A great and eloquent tribute to the Boys. Nicely done, Walter.
One fine way of saying, yes, we're all one world.
Excellent. Brought a tear to my eye. Thank you.