by sara t.
Now the sun is already setting on the drive home
Sometimes its already dark when I open the door
I wear boots over bare legs feigning ignorance
To the coming storms, the snow the ice the cold
My cats lips have a seasonal reaction as they swell up
Allergies the vet says nothing we can do
And an ocean length away he is warm
In the sunshine sweating in the heat
And I wish the weather wouldn't change that
It would stay so I can remember the way
The water glistened on our skin
The way I reddened in the middle-eastern sun
The way we were glued together
By heat by love by knowing
It was fleeting and I
Would be getting colder while you were still warm
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Wow, Sara! *
thanx Bobbi, now that u know that background this is really clear to u right?
Agree with Bobbi on this. Good piece. I like the imagery:
"Sometimes its already dark when I open the door
I wear boots over bare legs feigning ignorance
To the coming storms, the snow the ice the cold"
I love this, "the way we were glued together."
Really nice imagery.
This piece, along with the one I just read by Erin, have really set a tone for my morning. Great writing, Sara. With the images, you pull me right in. *
"The way we were glued together
By heat by love by knowing"