by Marda Miller
It's giving me a headache
Take it in and breathe it out
With a sigh
I'll stay clean
You'll feel cheap.
In the afternoon
When no one is watching
I'll just fake it anyway
Because love is a strong word
That you pass around.
It got me here
And now makes me feel nothing
When you could have been enough.
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"Because love is a strong word"
Most definitely. Yes to this, ma'am.
It most definitely is.
very powerful, more so the more I re-read it. *
Thank you so much for even reading it once Boudreau! I truly appreciate your comment :)
I like this Marda...there's power in it and resigned sadness...
"In the afternoon
When no one is watching
I'll just fake it anyway"
Thank you so much Jules!
Love sometimes comes with sadness which makes me think - how real is that love anyways?
“When you could have been enough.”
Cuts like a knife, Marda. Yes to this sharp-edged micro on love and pain.