A funny thing this life
Happening to us in turn
I touch you gently
You look, your eyes a question
We dance together
Cavorting we find
In fun, a different feeling
Love blossoms for us
We stand together
At the altar speaking vows
We are beyond them
We love our children
A blessing of our own love
Our lives are fullness
Our children's children
Play and laugh before us now
Amazing beings
We sit in twilight
Our eyes still dance together
In our happiness
Laughter in our lives
A Celestial bonus card
We drew at random
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I am no Basho, but I took a bash at this one anyway.
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Exquisite. The perfect chaser to Kenny Mooney's passion cry right below this. *
Nicely done.
What are these haiku
Standing all alone and cold
In the parking lot
Much enjoyed. And what Matt said.*
A lifetime in haiku. *
Mathew, Gary Gary and Daniel. Thanks and Thanks again. I promise to try and recover. (I think it's the Sake)
I like the narrative quality using the haiku form. Good job with the combination.