He speaks thunderously loud,
loud enough to drown out
what I might try to say.
If I speak in a breathless rush
it's only so I can complete a thought
before it's caught midair,
swallowed up in one gulp
and spit out.
I stand corrected once more.
And still I try to speak,
if for no other reason than
to let the words fly free
before they choke me.
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Dedicated to men who love passive women who have no opinions.
Previously published by Lilly Press - "Husbands and Other Strangers," a poetry chapbook.
I love the dedication. Nice way to capture two characters (oh, yes, I can definitely get a sense of him) with such brevity and precision.
Another killer poem, love this.
and we all know you're a passive woman with no opinions, huh?!
how true , this is. Wonderful
I know a man who keeps a notebook so when his wife makes a statement he can correct her when she is wrong. They have been married for a long time. Oh, the story. Like it a lot!
Thanks to all who commented and faved. I have been buried in work and haven't checked back. So nice to read all the comments.