It's become a ritual every few years
to sort through the contents of
this heart-shaped ribboned box
filled with notes of passion
yellowed through the years.
The various ragged edge scraps of paper
fall loosely to the bed in disarray.
I carefully unfold the ink blurred corners,
struggle with aging eyes
to re-read the words of lovers and poets
caught up in the heat of the moment.
Disjointed ramblings written
in the wee hours of the evening,
napkin poems, rhyming poems,
a four page letter filled with
second thought corrections.
Not what he meant to say?
With renewed interest I linger
over each fragment,
read between the lines,
vividly recall the beginning,
middle, and end of romances.
I cry, laugh out loud,
cringe, regret, savor,
re-live again and again,
the song and dance of love.
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137 words
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For all the men I've loved or been loved by before.
These are some choice Bon Bons you sent over, Judith! Love this one!
really nice memories to keep forever.
Bon bons, indeed. The song of love, the dance of memory. *
Yes, yes.
Well done.
Thank you all. Much appreciated.
Good poem, Judith.
Good poem, Judith.
Thanks bill.