by Jerry Ratch
A horse is a horse
Of course, of course
Unless it's a horse
Without a Loofah
You better look into the mirror
Check the picture window too
I may not be the only one
Who's broken
Don't it take a little more
When I'm not with you?
Don't try to fix me anymore
I ain't the one that's broken
It's been years since
We have really spoken
Other than poking fun at one another
Or just joking
Lately, I hate to say it,
But lately you been acting
Just like your mother
And we both know that ain't good
If you want me in your neighborhood
You better fix your flats
And check the engine
That ain't running under your hood
Cause the wires they been crossed
And somehow double-crossed
And in the woods you been lost
Cause I know you been up to no good
I seen the look that's in your eyes
That ain't the look of innocence
I know the look when I see it
Cause I been there myself
Yeah, I went and said it
I been there myself
And that is how I
Know that look so good
There's an old saying round these parts
You'd best listen up, and get off the sofa
Cause it goes like this
You can lead a horse to water
Yeah, you can lead a horse to water
But you can't force him to bathe
No, you can't force your horse to bathe
Without a loofah
That's right, you'd best get off the sofa
You can lead a horse to water
But you can't force him to bathe
Without a loofah
Enough's been said
I don't mean to be a goof-off or a doofus
But you cannot force a horse to bathe
Without a loofah
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song, lyric, poem
I will not be able to look at a loofah again without thinking about this!
Another brain worm! :)
"Yeah, you can lead a horse to water
But you can't force him to bathe
No, you can't force your horse to bathe
Without a loofah"
Irresistible! Suessian!