everybody knows

by Jerry Ratch


If ever there was a fire left smoldering, it was you. If ever there was a chance in hell to fan the flames and break out into a bonfire of the vanities, it was you. It was you in a heartbeat, and it was you for all time. I knew it the second you entered me and my heart flew up to your ceiling, and I know it still.


You contaminated all your contemporaries with the red kisses of your pretty mouth. You were so restless that the sea sat up with you and your great need spoke our hearts.


And I would have been your wife too, if you had asked, wife of pleasure, of desire, longing and fancy. I would have received your long sex, parting my legs for my legendary man who drove me daily toward the shore with longing. So much so, that the earth was shaken on the world's underside. Everybody knows I sometimes slept on the shore for your tremendous thousand years' charisma.
