Something Like the Promise of a Better Life
by Gary Hardaway
Unhappy people buy everything
they can afford-- and then some,
going deeper into debt to own the next
super quick, super powerful phone, the next
brilliantly connective app, the next elegant and coveted
small appliance that promises to bridge the abyss surrounding them
that keeps them from reaching the obviously lusher
other side. Unhappiness is a necessary boon
to a global economy that accelerates
towards something like the
promise of a better life.
You've nailed it. And the marketers promote that necessary unhappiness. *
i no longer feel like I did myself a favor by going into debt for an iPhone.*
I hope you'll make an exception for home counter-top donut makers. It was worth the installment debt.
Like the form of this. **
"Towards something like the promise"
Thanks to everyone for reading and commenting.