More from the Chronicles of His Demise
by Gary Hardaway
The laughter of young children, not
your own, offends. It is loud
and shrill and completely inappropriate.
The piercing scream of a neighbor's
3 year olds shatters the otherwise quiet
of my Saturday afternoon. The shriek
disturbs the air with too much joy
and splits the calm of boring patterns
of a singular life with giddy abandon.
Piss on the laughter, piss on the shriek,
piss on the parents allowing this
invasion of my quietude. I seek
no laughter on a quiet afternoon. I seek
my own serene and solemn thoughts.
Community should not include
the raucousness of a child finding voice
and filling late September air with it
and all the joy the voice may celebrate.
Another Consequence of Age
When the taste buds go off,
pot roast and greasy hamburgers
you once savored
taste of old beef fat
and your once favorite kiwi fruit
are tart but otherwise indeterminate.
Only scotch and cheap champagne
retain their reliable flavors.
What I Should Be Doing
I should be scrubbing the sink and toilet bowl.
I should be Cleaning countertops and the microwave.
I should be balancing the checkbook
and finding a good primary care physician.
I should be capturing dust bunnies
and vacuuming the carpet.
I should be arranging the the books
and compact discs in alphabetical order.
I should be culling and arranging manuscripts
and typing out their tables of content.
Instead, I stare at coffee stains and stains of red wine
and name my myriad deficiencies
as if confession were actually good for the soul.
Lists and introspection paralyze in ways
no chemical agent ever could.

There's something positive in pessimistic poetry. I think it's the fact that poems get written at all.
#3 my favorite of the group.
Thank you, Bill.
Kids are shrieking and chattering a few feet from me in the public library. I added my laughter to the din reading "Disturbance." The other two have me nodding affirmation. Fine set!
Thank you, Matt.
*, Gary. I like your poetry of self-deprecation.
Thank you, David.
love #3 too.
Great depiction of despair, depression. Well done.
I like "I should be ..." followed by "Instead, I ..."
Dang, Gary, ya been readin' my mail!
Thank you, Dianne.
Thank you. Erika.
Thank you, Kitty.
Nicely done. Especially enjoyed Disturbance.
Oh my - when the laughter offends, it gets so hellishly serious. Brilliant writing. *
Thank you, Javed.
Thank you, Beate.
Love your stuff always. Tight and right, honest and singular. Fantastic.
Thank you, Darryl.
What I should be doing is reading more Gary Hardaway!*
Thank you, Tim.
"the raucousness of a child finding voice
and filling late September air"
Good set, Gary. Enjoyed.
Thank you, Sam.
Good stuff is like time in person
Thank you, Verkaro.