Goebbels in the Underworld with All His Pretty Ones
by Gary Hardaway
The universe extracts no retribution.
It annihilates without a thought
of evil/good, sin/virtue. Human need
for righteous vengeance manufactured Hell
and all the sorrowful and eternal
underworlds only imaginations can map.
No Satanic bosom greeted Goebbels
and the family when the dream
(his dream) of a blond Reich
dismembered itself inside the bunker—
the small, impermanent underworld
where suffering was brief.
One may take a punitive solace
knowing he could see and hear
the kinder shudder, gasp, and hiss their
final almond-scented breaths as much-fucked
Magda whimpered and collapsed. In this
one has at least imagined justice.
Thanks, Amanda.
Good piece, Gary. Especially like your approach in stanza 2. The writing works. *
*, Gary. Powerful.
"... the dream
(his dream) of a blond Reich
dismembered itself inside the bunker—
the small, impermanent underworld
where suffering was brief."
Satisfying? I guess. But so many bastards, so little poison gas. *
Maybe our invention of the sense of justice is what's betrayed us. Yet, if any could reach back and stomp the bastard into oblivion, who among us would pass? *
This packs a serious punch. Nice one.
"Hiss their final almond scented breaths..."
Nice. Well not nice, actually. But the writing is beautiful.
Thank you, Sam.
Thank you, David.
Jake, there's just not enough Zen in the world. I am partly to blame, I know.
Matthew, vengeance is so bloody reflexive. DNA bypass surgery may be required.
Thank you, Neil.
Thank you, Steve.
Life, itself, without the overlay of the construct of heaven or hell, tends to wage its own justice. Not always, but often as not.*