Honeymoon Bike Ride
by Estelle Bruno
On my honeymoon, we went upstate to the Catskill Mountains. I thought about ice skating and all the fun winter sports, but it hadn't snowed yet. So my brand new husband decided we should rent bikes and ride around the countryside.
Oops! I thought, but said nothing. Never mentioned my bike experience when I was a little kid. He rented two bikes. The bike route was a narrow winding road that twirled around the mountain. It was so narrow that if you steered too close to the right side you could drop straight down that mountain. Into god knows where.
Bravely I got myself up onto the seat of the bike, still determined, but forgot that this time my legs were bound to reach those pedals. Bad luck. (I still have those ugly scars on my knees).
Also, I didn't know anything about steering. Suddenly the bike started to go in the direction of that mountain drop-- oh oh oh...
In a flash my husband was beside me. He grabbed the wheel and yelled for me to hit the brake. It suddenly ended. Thank you God, I said, but not before my husband yelled at me: "why didn't you tell me you can't ride a bike?"
I said nothing in return. But that child's determination was still in me.
I did learn to drive a car. And also to steer it.

I am very glad that you learned how to steer as well as how to drive, although this is not required in California. Love your descrip. of the road that "twirled" around the mtn.
remind me to never drive in California!
Thanks for reading Jack and liking that "twirled".
This is funny. You always were a bad biker.
Good imagery in this piece, Estelle. Nice work.
I will never ever be a bike rider. thank you Susan for reading.
Sam, happy you thought it worth while. Thanks
Brave and determined, you gave riding a bike another try. Luckily your husband could move in a flash or you could have dropped straight down the mountain into god knows where. Which covers an awful lot of territory.
You sure got it right. I may not have been here today.
Thanks Mykell
Enjoyed this one, Estelle.
glad you liked this Miles. I had a feeling you would.
I enjoyed this slice of life reveal. I have a first time on a bike story, too, Estelle. This reminded me of that, so thanks!
glad this braugt back a memory for you. Lets hear it.
thanks for the fav