by Darryl Price
You make your art when you can and
Perhaps vice versa. You really
Don't know what that means? Consult your tarot. You make your
Art and visualize your mind
As a large pool of water. You
Make your art and if you're lucky
They may not want to talk to you about
Your methods. What do you have to say now, eh?
The only honest answer is
Whatever moves me because you
Don't want to put music or any other feeling in a cruel
Box. You make your art and renew
Your life in the process. You make
Your art and so plant your trees. Let's
Keep it simple, shall we? You make your art
And rediscover the courage
To live. You make your art and that's
What you are doing here in the first place. You make
Your art and show up without an approved
Appointment. You make your art and
Buy someone, a stranger, an ice cream cone. You make
Your art and dribble the ball. You
Make your art and all that sick crap
Becomes a beat up country map unto
Itself. You make your art and you
Go to the lonely crowded beach and you bring back
The color of the sky and the
Seashells in her far away eyes. You make your
Art and the most beautiful things tend to
Happen. But it's still only a small
Paper boat. You know the rest. You
Make your art and she continues
To float on by. You make your art
As you tear at the ugly mask on your face,
But it's too late. You make your art
And one day you'll be the dead thing
Losing bone slowly to the mud and grime. You make your
Art and you enjoy food less. You
Make your art and it feels so good,
Until it doesn't. Then you enter
The forest alone. You make your
Art and try hard not to smile at nothing. You make
Your art and smell of freshly turned over earth. You make
Your art and leave the ufo sightings
To the old musicians and their secret lovers.
You make your art and the whole scene
Full of stars begins to tremble
Under your skin like soft and red floating flowers.
Bonus poems:
by Darryl Price
Your boredoms are not my fascinations. Your boredoms
Belong to the ice caves with the Mammoths,
Although haven't they been tortured enough by the
Changing winds? Your boredoms are far from twinkling
Objects in the beaks of ancient crows, prophesying
A new age of heartbreak and misunderstanding. Your
Boredoms, I'll do my best to escape them,
But that means you, too. Your boredoms need
To disappear permanently. Your boredoms send a frightened
Animal into the thorns of no contest, I
Wonder if you could be more gentle? Your
Boredoms have never sung into the wind, have
Always bent themselves towards the death of innocents.
Your boredoms don't love babies. Your boredoms are
Sharing a joint in a back alleyway at
Almost dawn. Your boredoms are like my head
Hurts. Take it or leave it. Your boredoms
Having already used the key, have left the
Door unlocked. Your boredoms like the flu are
Taking a long nap. Your boredoms have set
The wordless table. Your boredoms are upturning the
Waiting guitars with miserable glee. Only the shadows
Agree. Your boredom's pockets are full of damaged
Money. Your boredoms are missing a foot, maybe
A few fingers, certainly a heartbeat. Your boredoms
Are moving noiselessly towards cynicism. Your boredoms, like
The rest of the sheep, are floating with
Nothing to guide them but their stomachs. Your
Boredoms are making me feel sunk, falsely accuse
Every star of failing to shine. Your boredoms
Have thrown my poetry into the bushes. Your
Boredoms have come home minus that impossible kiss.
The Flowers(first draft)
For Emily Dickinson
Home is gone. I'm an orphan now meaning I wasn't
Always so alone. Everyone I see is running from something.
But they still sail their candles to the moon hoping
To awaken someone on the other side of this glory
Who might send them back a kind thought or give
A smile in the form of birds. I've never received
The feather from the heavens with my name on it.
You and I are not alike in our dogs, but
I still like to think of you walking down streets
At night with yours, brushing the rain or the quiet
With an intensity unlike any other. That was your gift
More than your red hair, more than your refusal to
Give up your name or your fight with God and
The devil, believing both of them to be inadequate to
The task of being near enough to you to break
Your heart more than it already was. Instead you broke
Your own heart, and mine with it. Who knew you
Had power that could wait through centuries to explode like
A hurricane? Did the flowers ever know this? The Irish?
Perhaps the good children in the garden? All I know
Is here we are together again, not in a dream,
But in a sense of the world, getting near the
End of something terribly unimaginable and I only wish I
Had your hand to hold. I suppose that is very
Selfish of me. You let your hand go where it
Wanted to go and nowhere else. You gave it the
Most important task of all, to put your cruel abandonment
Into stored letters, without asking for forgiveness, without a script
Of regret. You telegraphed that pain to the stars and
Dared them to respond, all the while knowing full well
How they laughed behind your back. But the dog was
Faithful, the writing desk was faithful, the flowers were never
Going to go anywhere without you again, even the rain
On the windows was a companion you could count on
To see you as you truly were, valiant warrior with
A sewn booklet of original coded words, meant to open
Locks, meant to join clouds of butterflies. Your home now
Is everywhere, mine is still somewhat hazy in the distance.
I don't know why it means so much to me
To speak to you in this way. I'm not looking
For your answer. As Paul said to John, you'd probably
Say that we were worlds apart, but I feel something
Different today. I would have liked to see you smile
With some teeth, or the back of your head tied
In a ponytail instead of a bun. I think you
would have breathed a sigh of relief in a pair
of old comfortable jeans. You got a message to me.
I'm not talking about all the others here. This is
As much as I can do for you, but I'm
So glad. It's an honor. Thank you, oh singing wind.
Wheatfield, Columbus
When the sun explodes, can we
Still go to the dance? When the
Sun explodes, do we still get
Our vote? Do we have to wear
Uncomfortable clothing
In case anyone sees us
Who might think they are better
Than us because of money?
When the sun explodes, I think
I'm going to go swimming
In the nude and I hope you'll
Come with me. When the dear old
Sun goes on a sneezing rampage
I'll see if there are any
Seats left near the exit
Signs. When the sun explodes, perhaps
You would be kind enough
To let me hold your hand? When
The stars are flung against the
Far walls like burning paint, will
You try to remember my
Name for you when we have snuggled
Together for warmth? When
The sun explodes, I fully
Expect you to come walking
Through that door. When the sun bursts,
All my poems will become
A monument to our love.
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When I am asked what it takes to be a writer I always answer with, it takes your entire life. Nothing more, nothing less. This is a high price to pay to be heard against the cacophony of voices out there. But there is no more honest answer. The search for an authentic voice, which is your own, is never-ending because it's a question of balance and rediscovery like everything else. And the sorrow comes from being in the river so much. So much can happen, so much continues on and this includes people you may care deeply about. Life happens and art ever counts down the minutes.
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Particularly love these parts:
You make
Your art and show up without an
Appointment. You make your art and
Buy someone an ice cream.
You make
Your art and smell the earth. You make
Your art and leave the ufo sightings
To old musicians and their sons.
You make your art and the whole scene
Full of stars begins to tremble
Under your skin like red flowers.
Swept up in the rhythm of the repetition. Last stanza's still gleaming. *
This flows, Darryl. Nice.
Well done!
"You / Make your art and she continues // To float on by."
The only honest answer is
Whatever moves me because you
Don't want to put music in a
You got it Darryl! *
Beautiful and inspiring on a rainy day in the forest filled with bleak thoughts and in dire need of hope. Thank you!
Nice one *
Good, good. Enjoyed this piece, DP.
Thank you to everyone, much appreciated.
Bravo! I like the first poem here quite a lot. I'll return to enjoy the bonus poems. The * is for the first. *